UConn School of Medicine is home to many cutting-edge research programs with renowned research teams propelling powerful discoveries and innovations. Since the medical school’s inception, part of its institutional fabric has been its commitment to advancing scientific and medical discovery by growing high-quality research programs. Today, our research enterprise has reached new heights with year-after-year landmark funding exceeding $100 million. Our research expertise knows no boundaries spanning across disciplines, campuses, state and international lines, from basic science to clinical research and trials, to translational research at the patient’s bedside, to population, public, behavioral and social health arenas. Our goal is improving the health and well-being of the people of Connecticut and the globe by translating our discoveries into new patient care advances, health care technologies, and biotech start-up companies.

Faculty in the School of Medicine are actively involved in a variety of innovative and cutting edge basic science, epidemiological, biobehavioral, and clinical/translational research activities. A major focus of this effort is the translation of our discoveries into advances in patient care and the licensing of new technologies and devices to the private sector.
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